Our first prototype is nearly complete, marking a key milestone in our technical advancement!
This exciting achievement serves as proof-of-concept, validating our transition from the lab to an industrial setting and advanced research facility. But we’re not done yet. We’re now focusing on optimization tests to improve capture efficiency, connecting it to a stationary truck and evaluating engine speed’s impact on our capture rate.

Our mobile carbon capture technology represents a significant breakthrough in the fight against climate change. By capturing carbon emissions at the source, we have the potential to significantly reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, contributing to a healthier, more sustainable future for all.
A special shoutout to our dedicated team and our amazing partners for their commitment:
Théodore Caby Masoud Talebi Amiri Edward Green Marie Tournant Mitulkumar Suthar Emanuele Piccoli Stéphanie Ferreira François Marechal Shivom Sharma Fondation The Ark Office fédéral de l'environnement OFEV La Forge EPFL Startup EPFL Innovation Park Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne EPFL Alumni Startupticker.ch Innosuisse wemakeit.com FIT - Fondation pour l'Innovation Technologique Venturelab CleantechAlps MassChallenge Switzerland MassChallenge ClimAccelerator ClimateLaunchpad IMD Startup Academy Switzerland Friderici Spécial SA LEXR